Curse of Complacency in Self Satisfied Leaders

FootstepsWhere have all the leaders gone?

What happened to personal pride, to living, and holding ourselves to a higher standard?

From where I sit it looks like we are more concerned with fitting in, following the crowd, and being accepted by society than living life on our own terms.

A Society Devoid of Values

We have liberalized, neutered, and gutted our principles and ethics to the point that many leaders have lost their conscience.

They have become a directionless, anything goes, giving way to special interest groups and in the process become spineless. We look to our leaders for answers.

Our leaders filter, dilute, and couch their voice through the filter of a mainstream society who vilifies and denigrates those who are principled, consciously living according to specific values and who choose to think for themselves. Is it any wonder that for all the advances in science, technology, and business that we cannot seem to get along?

Avoid Being Seen as Contrary – Just Fit In

Somehow it is not politically correct to hold an opinion contrary to the hoard of society who proudly goose-steps to the drum of a liberal, spineless, and special interest driven culture.

We have been brainwashed to accept everything i mainstream is good and right and reject contradictory, conflicting points of view out of hand. We have evolved into a self-centered, selfish, and complacent people who always want to know, “What’s in it for me?”

Dignity, self sacrifice and going out of our way to help another has been replaced with waiting for the charities, reality TV shows, or someone else. Stepping up to the plate and putting oneself out by spending time with another is replaced with institutionalized giving that allows us to hide behind the veil of our favorite special interest group.

Me, The Ultimate Special Interest Group

Community is not about being supportive and truly helping one another. It is about connecting with people to see what I can get from them.

God forbid that my involvement in a cause would come at a price. Yet, everyday we pay a heavy price calculated and paid with the currency of disillusionment, depression, and frustration.

We hide our true identities online just in case some crazy person gets angry and decides to take it out on us. We are a society living in fear of the unknown big catastrophe. We reason that we cannot take a strong position on anything of substance for fear of being criticized, ridiculed, or even sued.

Schooled But Not Educated

As a result we have stopped thinking for ourselves. Parents cannot discipline their children unless they do it according to the liberal, politically correct, and spineless ‘right way’.

Parents have quit and given up on their kids and our schools have become baby sitters without a moral compass and conscience because they are riding the fine line between no mans land of and the safe and secure mediocrity of leaderless education.

From Mediocrity to Leadership

To break free of mediocrity we first must take a stand. To stand for something, anything really, as long as it is something we care and feel passionate about.

  • Leaders care.
  • Leaders speak up.
  • Leaders take action.
  • Leaders pave the way.
  • Leaders stand up for a cause.
  • Leaders are always learning and growing.
  • Leaders give respect and recognize human dignity.
  • Leaders realize that sometimes they will need to walk alone.
  • Leaders never shrink and quit, they press ahead despite obstacles.

Who are the leaders you know who exemplify these principles and values?

5 Responses to “Curse of Complacency in Self Satisfied Leaders”

  1. 1 Julian June 18, 2007 at 2:24 am

    Unfortunately these types of leaders are few and far between. Integrity is an old-fashioned word in a culture of ‘whatever you think best’.

    Too few people are willing to commit for the long haul and make the sacrifice necessary to become a great leader. They can do it for a day, a week, for a while but not for a lifetime.

  2. 2 remotecontrolceo June 18, 2007 at 4:36 am

    Your point is what this blog is about, to make the old fashioned new again, and help people lead with integrity and passion – for a lifetime.

    I appreciate you stopping by and saying hello.

  3. 3 Nick McCormick June 18, 2007 at 6:19 pm

    The complacency that you reference impacts leaders in all areas. They play a large role in crippling corporations.

  4. 4 remotecontrolceo June 18, 2007 at 6:50 pm

    Nick, that is exactly why I started this website, to get the message out, help leaders from all walks of life to identify what they can do to take a stand.

    As they take a stand, they provide those they lead the courage to believe in themselves and take a stand for themselves.

  1. 1 When Leaders Take A Stand Change Happens » Business Performance Coaching Trackback on June 16, 2007 at 3:42 pm

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